The Best Ways to Remove Pubic Hairs (2024)

It is a natural thing for adults to feel self-conscious about their intimate areas and genitals. But for something as coarse as pubic hairs? No! You do not need any health or sexual reasons to either groom or rip them off.

Aside from the fact that pubic hair can generate odor from sweat and poor hygiene, everyone is entitled to the decision on whether to keep them or not, based on personal taste.

So, if one can maintain good and proper hygiene, the grooming of pubic hair is never something that can be said to be good or bad.

As a matter of fact, it has different views from different people depending on their culture, age, gender, and sexual exposure.

In this article, we’ll be highlighting the best ways to remove pubic hair in the following:

Trimming – The method of trimming only works well with a pair of scissors. Here, anyone can achieve pubic hair removal by cutting down or shaping the hair to the level you prefer. And by so doing, you will practically not touch the skin directly, and you will have a very nearly painless experience. For a little guide:

  • Start by disinfecting the scissors.
  • Try to keep the pubic hair dry and separated.
  • Then, gradually begin to cut the hair in smaller sections until you cover the whole area.

Shaving – Shaving is another great way to get rid of pubic hair without attracting any pain. Anyone can carry out this process of shaving on himself, as the only requirement is a clean razor and some cream.

But the disadvantage of this method is that you’re likely to nick or cut the skin and introduce bacteria to the part. However, if you think it’s something you can handle, here’s how to do it:

  • Disinfect the blade
  • Make sure your pubic hair is wet and settled. It makes it easier to shave
  • Apply a natural cream or gel to get the skin lubricated, and to make reduce the likelihood of irritation.
  • Start shaving in the direction of your growth, while holding the skin taut.
  • It is advisable to dispose the blade after each session.

Depilatory cream – This is the use of hair removal creams that contain chemicals. The chemical contents will weaken the Keratin substance of the pubic hair, making them fall off easily.

While this method appears to be very straightforward and nearly painless, please note that you may need to confirm if your skin will be irritated by the chemical content of the cream. Therefore, carrying out a patch test may be a prior thing you would want to consider.

Meanwhile, here are the steps involved in this public hair removal method:

  • Apply the Depilatory cream on the part you wish to remove
  • Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, as it weakens the hair in the area
  • Go on to wipe it with a warm towel
  • Then apply some natural oil to the skin

Waxing – Going by the waxing method of removing pubic hair may never promise to be nearly painless. Although, it is very effective at removing hair for a long period, which is because it pulls the whole hair from the roots, and thereafter, gives the skin a very smooth surface.

As a simple method that can be done by anyone, here’s how to do it:

  • Get wax strips and over-the-counter wax
  • Clean the area you wish to wax
  • Apply the wax gel and place the strip over it.
  • Press it down for a while, and gently pull the strip off the skin.

In case you are considering this method, note that the pain of waxing can be unbearable to the thin skin of your intimate area. The method may also result to possible itching, irritation, and ingrown hair. Therefore, you will most likely need the help of a professional.

Tweezing – Tweezing can as well work fine for public hair removal. The method requires a tweezer and the process of picking and pulling the hairs individually. You should also expect to feel pain and a little discomfort in this process because the skin will naturally respond while you yank off the hair.

Below is a little guide on how to practice safe tweezing on your those pubes:

  • You could start by trimming or shaping the hairs if they’re very long. This lets you focus on the root.
  • Disinfect the tweezer
  • Get good light exposure and start grabbing the hair.
  • Hold the skin tight and pull gently to avoid injuries.

Electrolysis – This involves the use of a device called an epilator. It works by sending radio frequencies to the skin to damage hair follicles and achieve clear skin.

However, this method of pubic hair removal can be very slow and tiring if you are not patient. This is because the treatment handles individual hair follicles one after the other. So, a typical electrolysis treatment may take up to 3 hours to remove pubic hairs, and it is as well not a long-lasting solution.

It is best practiced by a dermatologist or a health care provider.

Ulike IPL hair removal – The use of IPL hair devices, such as the Ulike hair removal device is one perfect way to treat your pubic hair removal process in quality and style.

It works efficiently by sending mild radiation laser light to concentrate and damage hair follicles underneath the skin. With this, your hair growth will be disrupted, which is probably the one innovative solution you’ve been seeking for your pubic hair.

The Best Ways to Remove Pubic Hairs (1)

The purpose of this Ulike IPL hair removal device is to long-lasting stop hair growth, after receiving four follow-up sessions. And mind you, there’s no rigorous process involved with this treatment, so you’ll certainly jump right back on your feet and resume your regular activities after each procedure.

It is flexible to carry around, and also safe to use by anyone; whether yourself or a professional.


The choice is still yours on whether to practice pubic hair removal or to keep grooming.

But at the end of the day, if pubic hair removal is something you want to do, remember to do it in style and positivity!

The Best Ways to Remove Pubic Hairs (2024)


The Best Ways to Remove Pubic Hairs? ›

there are actually a few ways that people might want to go about pubic hair removal. there is, of course, shaving (but more on that later). other methods include waxing, laser hair removal, and hair removal creams and lotions. you could even choose to just trim your pubic hair with an electric trimmer.

How do you remove pubic hair perfectly? ›

In this article
  1. Steps to Shave Pubic Hair.
  2. Step 1: Trim your Pubic Hair.
  3. Step 2: Exfoliate Pubic Area.
  4. Step 3: Use Sharp Razor.
  5. Step 4: Hydrate and wash your pubic area before shaving.
  6. Step 5: Apply a generous layer of Shaving Gel.
  7. Step 6: Shave in the direction of the hair growth.

What is the best hair removal method for private parts? ›

Removing pubic hair at home
  • Shaving. Shaving is the quick and easy option for pubic hair removal, and it should be painless. ...
  • Waxing. While shaving is quickest and easiest for everyday, if you're looking for a longer-lasting finish before a holiday, you can buy bikini wax strips. ...
  • Tweezing. ...
  • Electrolysis. ...
  • Laser hair removal.

Should a 12 year old shave pubic hair? ›

There's no set time for girls to begin shaving. You can start shaving when you feel you have enough hair growth on your legs and/or armpits to shave it off.

Is it okay to permanently remove pubic hair? ›

Removing pubic hair may therefore make a person more susceptible to common infections, such as UTIs, vaginitis, and yeast infections. Hair removal can also irritate your skin, leading to skin infections such as cellulitis and folliculitis. In other cases, grooming-related injuries, such as cuts, could become infected.

Do most females shave pubic hair? ›

As each pubic hair is attached to a nerve, tugging during sex may also increase sexual stimulation. Pubic hair may also have a role in dispersal of normal odors. Pubic hair removal is common — approximately 80 percent of women ages 18 to 65 report they remove some or all of their pubic hair.

How do I get my pubes completely smooth? ›

The key to shaving pubes is to use short strokes with gentle pressure. You can shave in any direction that feels comfortable, but shaving “with the grain” will help to avoid excess shaving irritation. Clean the blade in water every 2-3 strokes to keep your hair from blocking the blades.

What is the healthiest way to remove pubic hair? ›

Trimming is the safest option because it shortens your pubic hair without cutting close to the skin, which can lead to injury or infection. You can use scissors or a trimming tool marketed for use on pubic hair, or even tools made for trimming beards.

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Laser Hair Removal: The A-listers Go-To for Smooth Skin

Unlike waxing, shaving, or sugaring, laser hair removal tackles unwanted hair at the root.

What happens if you never shave your pubic hair? ›

The benefits of not shaving pubic hair are avoiding irritation, cuts, and ingrowns—when you don't shave, you won't get irritated. If you don't shave your pubic hair, nothing happens, but it's important to keep it clean with a daily genital-friendly wash and exfoliant to keep odor at bay.

Should you shave your butt hair? ›

We can't stress enough that butt fuzz is totally normal. From a health standpoint, there's really no reason to get rid of it, so it's all about personal preference — your butt, your choice. If you're on the fence about whether to go bare, you can always opt to just do some light grooming.

Does pubic hair stop growing? ›

As you age, your pubic hair, just like the hair on your head, will naturally start to thin and turn grey. Part of the aging process includes hair loss and the slowing of the rate of hair growth. Typically, hair in the armpits, chest, and pubic region will start to thin and turn grey later than scalp hair.

Should girls remove pubic hair? ›

Some people don't do anything with their pubic hair, leaving it to grow naturally. Some remove hair when they'll be wearing a bathing suit, and some remove hair regularly. No health benefits are linked to removing pubic hair, so choose what feels right for you.

Does pubic hair cause odor? ›

Bacteria can cling to hair. In the vagin*l area, that is both a good thing and a bad thing. You need your good vagin*l bacteria to prevent an overgrowth of yeast, but when bacteria mix with the sweat and oil on your pubic hair, it can produce a smell.

Is it better to wax or shave pubic hair? ›

For bikini areas, waxing is more precise and can result in less razor bumps because of the delicate skin area.

Why is pubic hair so thick? ›

Based on these findings, we hypothesize that the thickened cuticle layer in pubic hair may have evolved as a defence mechanism against chemical damage from urine, urea and ammonia. Keywords: FT-IR imaging; cortex; curly hair; cuticle; hair; pubic hair; scalp hair; urine effects.

What happens if you never shave your pubic hair as a female? ›

The benefits of not shaving pubic hair are avoiding irritation, cuts, and ingrowns—when you don't shave, you won't get irritated. If you don't shave your pubic hair, nothing happens, but it's important to keep it clean with a daily genital-friendly wash and exfoliant to keep odor at bay.

How do you fix coarse pubic hair? ›

7 ways to soften your pubic hair
  1. Moisturise your pubic area. A common question we get from people looking for pubic hair home remedies is; “Can you put conditioner on pubic hair?” Our answer: yes. ...
  2. Use vitamin E-rich oil. ...
  3. Try a homemade hydrating masque. ...
  4. Drink lots of water. ...
  5. Comb your pubic hair. ...
  6. Shave in the right direction.

How do you get rid of pubic hair permanently without shaving? ›

1) Laser Hair Removal

There are several reasons that laser hair removal is the ultimate solution to removing pubic hair without shaving. Once you complete your laser hair removal sessions, the treated hair follicles will die. Dead hair follicles cannot grow new hair.

What age does pubic hair stop growing? ›

longer than 4 years to reach the adult genital development stage. no pubic hair by age 15 years.

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