Magic Crystal Hair Eraser: Pros and Cons (2024)

If you are looking for a new way to remove unwanted body hair, you may have heard of the magic crystal hair eraser. This is a handheld device that claims to use a crystalline surface to clump and slough off hair from your skin. It also promises to exfoliate your skin and leave it smooth and soft. But does it really work? And is it worth your money? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of the crystal hair eraser and help you decide if it is right for you.

What Is a Crystal Body Hair Eraser?

The crystal hair eraser is a small device that fits in your hand like a computer mouse. The top is smooth, while the bottom is covered with etched glass. According to the manufacturers, if you lightly rub the device on your skin in a circular motion, the hair will clump together and fall off. The result is similar to shaving, as you are removing the hair at the follicle opening, not the root (like you do with waxing).

The device also claims to exfoliate your skin by buffing away dead skin cells and impurities. This can improve your skin texture and appearance, as well as prevent ingrown hairs and razor bumps. The device is reusable, which can save you money and reduce waste compared to disposable razors or wax strips.

What Are The Pros Of Using a Crystal Hair Eraser?

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Some of the benefits of using a crystal hair remover are:

- It is painless and easy to use. Unlike waxing or epilating, which can be very painful and cause skin irritation, using a crystal hair eraser is gentle and comfortable. You just need to get the device and glide it over your skin in circular motions.

- It can be used on most body parts. The device is small and flexible, which means you can use it on areas such as your legs, arms, chest, face, bikini line, and underarms.

- It can last up to years. The device is durable and does not require batteries or electricity. You need to rinse it after each use and store it in a dry place.

- It is eco-friendly. The device is made of natural materials and does not produce any plastic waste or harmful chemicals.

What Are The Cons Of Using a Crystal Hair Eraser?

Some of the drawbacks of using a viral painless hair removal are:

- It can be time-consuming and messy. Depending on the thickness and length of your hair, you may need to spend more time using the device than shaving or waxing. You also need to use it on dry skin, which means you will have hair and skin debris all over your clothes or floor. You may need to use it in the shower or bath to avoid making a mess.

- It can irritate your skin and cause burns. The etched glass surface can be abrasive and harsh on your skin, especially if you have sensitive or thin skin. It can cause redness, inflammation, itching, dryness, or even burns if you use too much pressure or rub too fast. You may also need to moisturize your skin after using the device to prevent dryness.

- It can be costly for some. The device is not very cheap compared to other hair removal methods. Depending on the brand and quality, it can cost anywhere from $20 to $100 (For Retail). You may also need to replace it after a few years or if it gets damaged.


The crystal body hair remover is an innovative and convenient device that offers many advantages over traditional hair removal methods. It is painless, easy to use, and can provide long-lasting results. However, it may not be suitable for all skin types and can be costly for some. Before you buy one, you should weigh the pros and cons carefully and consult with your dermatologist if you have any skin concerns.

Magic Crystal Hair Eraser: Pros and Cons (2024)


Magic Crystal Hair Eraser: Pros and Cons? ›

“These products can be abrasive,” Scarso explains. “It requires a little bit of pressure on the skin, going around in circles. So, it may cause a little redness, irritation or rash if it's used too much.” If you have particularly dry or sensitive skin, crystal hair erasers probably aren't the best option for you.

What is the disadvantage of crystal hair remover? ›

Skin irritation: The abrasive nature of the glass particles could irritate sensitive skin, leading to redness and discomfort. Uneven results: Crystal hair removers might not work as effectively on thicker or coarser hair, and results may be uneven depending on the area and hair type.

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The product works great, wait a day or two to let your skin adjust if youre not used to shaving your legs to do anything. I was excited to try something new instead of shaving- hoping it would help with my strawberry legs. I read reviews so I made sure to use light pressure and with plenty of water in the shower.

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At Home Hair Removal

Designed for whole body use, such as on the back, legs, arms, underarms, ect. While crystal smooth hair remover may not permanently remove hair, it does dramatically reduce hair growth, so you can stop shaving or waxing for months to years.

How long does a crystal hair remover last? ›

The Manicare product does not offer a lifespan but similar products are said to last at least a year, if not more, so long as they are cleaned well. If you have sensitive skin I wouldn't recommend.

Does Crystal hair eraser remove the root? ›

According to the manufacturers, if you lightly rub the crystal hair eraser on your skin in a circular motion, the hair will clump together and slough off. The result is similar to shaving, as you're removing the hair at the follicle opening, not the root (like you do with waxing).

Can you use crystal hair eraser on your pubic area? ›

About the Bleame Crystal Hair Eraser

Using what the brand calls "nano-crystalline" technology, this tool clumps the hair together for easy removal. This "eraser" can be used on the legs, arms, chest, and even bikini line (if your hair isn't too coarse).

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Common skin concerns from hair removal

Crystal hair eraser is suitable for most skin types. Users should watch for strawberry legs, ingrown hairs, and razor burns, common skin concerns that can arise from hair removal.

Is Magic Crystal hair remover for wet or dry skin? ›

101: Dry skin only

You should also avoid using Magic Crystal on skin that is wet, has recently been wet, has been moisturised or that is at all tacky to the touch. ...

Do crystal hair removers work on face? ›

We don't recommend using the crystal hair remover on your underarms or face as your skin in those areas is thin and delicate. Every after use, clean yours under running water and brush off any debris: hair, dead skin, etc.

How many times can you use crystal hair remover? ›

Keep the remover side relatively flat to skin and remove hair gently in a circular motion. Suitable for most skin types. Recommended to use once or twice per week.

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This can be used by both men and women and is the most painless method of removing hair on any part of the body. [Reusable and Effective] When Crystal Hair Eraser is softly stroked on the skin, the hairs cluster and break away from the surface, thanks to Nano-Crystalline technology.

Do you wash crystal hair remover? ›

Rinse: After each use, rinse your Bleame™ Crystal Hair Eraser under running water to remove any residual hair, dead skin, and debris. Warm water is effective for dissolving any buildup on the device.

What is best for permanent hair removal? ›

Electrolysis can permanently remove unwanted hair. Once your hair is gone, you won't need maintenance treatments. It works on all hair types, including light-colored hairs, which lasers cannot remove.

How does the Nano Crystal hair remover work? ›

Excellent results: Using nanocrystal technology, the hair clumps and breaks from the surface for clean and complete hair removal. Fast hair removal: Easy to operate, just wipe gently on the skin in a circular motion to quickly complete hair removal. Painless: No tearing, no pulling of hair follicles, avoiding pain.

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The Bleame™ Crystal Hair Eraser removes hair from the surface of the skin, which means that it may take a few days or a few weeks for the hair to grow back fully, depending on the individual. On average, our body hair grows about half an inch per month.

Is Crystal smooth hair remover safe? ›

Additionally, crystal hair removers can be abrasive because they require a degree of pressure when used in circular motions on the skin. Excessive use can lead to redness, irritation, or even a rash if you have dry or sensitive skin,” she explains.

What is the disadvantage of using hair remover? ›

Disadvantages of Depilatory Creams:

The chemicals in depilatory creams, which dissolve the hair, can also lead to adverse skin reactions. Also, because depilatory creams do not remove unwanted hair by the root, the hair grows back much quicker than with other hair removal methods.

What is the technology behind Crystal hair remover? ›

The crystal does not use any chemicals or harsh ingredients to remove hair. Instead,it works by using an abrasive crystal to exfoliate the skin and remove hair from the root, leaving behind smooth and silky skin.

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