Crystal hair remover is the newest pain-free tool to go viral—here's what you need to know before trying one (2024)

What if there exists a handheld device that can remove hair without any of the pain and mess? There is now, and it's called a crystal hair remover. But can these crystalline devices actually deliver on their claims and are there any precautions that need to be kept in mind? We took our questions to a skincare expert and here’s what we learned about the crystal hair remover.

What is a crystal hair remover?

As a handheld tool, crystal hair removal devices are designed with a smooth top and a crystalline glass bottom. “When lightly rubbed in a circular motion on the skin, it clumps hair together and removes it from the follicle opening, similar to shaving. However, it is not a root hair removal method like laser hair removal and is also claimed to be used as an exfoliating tool that sloughs off dead skin cells for smooth and soft skin,” explains Dr Harshna Bijlani, medical head of The AgeLess Clinic.

How to use

The principle behind how a crystal hair remover works is similar to that of a manual epilator. For removing unwanted hair from the surface of the skin, it is advised to wet the desired area with water before lightly rubbing the crystal hair remover in a circular motion on your skin while applying a uniform amount of pressure. Once removed, the area should be cleaned with water and moisturised with a hydrating body lotion.

Are they truly painless?

While manufacturers may claim this is a truly painless process, no one solution suits everybody. “What works effectively for one person may not be suitable for another due to variations in skin type and hair texture. While some individuals may find crystal hair removers painless and efficient, your experience may differ. Additionally, crystal hair removers can be abrasive because they require a degree of pressure when used in circular motions on the skin. Excessive use can lead to redness, irritation, or even a rash if you have dry or sensitive skin,” she explains.

The Mumbai-based dermatologist also recommends bearing in mind that crystal hair erasers should not be used on compromised skin—this includes skin issues such as sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, keratosis pilaris or even common acne.

How to reduce pain during removal

While laser hair removal can serve as a painless and permanent hair reduction solution, those looking to explore alternative methods can keep in mind certain guidelines for reducing pain. As a rule of thumb, gentle exfoliation before the procedure can prepare the skin, while applying a warm compress can help open hair follicles and make the hair removal process smoother and less painful. “Additionally, following the proper technique of hair removal, such as pulling wax strips in the opposite direction of hair growth, can reduce pain. Hydrated skin is more resilient, so staying well-hydrated is key. After the procedure is done, cold compresses and topical anti-inflammatories like aloe vera can soothe the skin. It’s also essential to avoid sun exposure and protect your skin from irritation,” she signs off.

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Crystal hair remover is the newest pain-free tool to go viral—here's what you need to know before trying one (2024)


Crystal hair remover is the newest pain-free tool to go viral—here's what you need to know before trying one? ›

Don't use Crystal Hair Eraser too hard on the skin. If you have sensitive skin, try Hair Eraser on your arms/legs before using it on other sensitive areas. We do not recommend using the Hair Removal Device on sensitive skin such as the face or underarms as the skin is thin and delicate, since it may cause irritants.

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“It does work,” she says. “It's painless and it's easy. I feel like it was a little more time-consuming than shaving, but that could be due to the product that I used.” But there's one part of the experience that never seems to make it into the videos: The yucky stuff.

What are the side effects of crystal hair remover? ›

Skin irritation: The abrasive nature of the glass particles could irritate sensitive skin, leading to redness and discomfort. Uneven results: Crystal hair removers might not work as effectively on thicker or coarser hair, and results may be uneven depending on the area and hair type.

Does crystal hair removal reduce hair growth? ›

Designed for whole body use, such as on the back, legs, arms, underarms, ect. While crystal smooth hair remover may not permanently remove hair, it does dramatically reduce hair growth, so you can stop shaving or waxing for months to years.

How often can you use Crystal Hair Eraser? ›

Whenever the hair grows back (normally 2 weeks) or whenever you like but don't overuse it in one go - rubbing and focusing on the same spot over and over) because our Magic Crystal helps to rejuvenate the skin as well and therefore if you overuse it, it would damage your skin.

Can Crystal Hair Eraser remove pubic hair? ›

Pay attention don't use it too hard on the skin, It is recommended not to use on sensitive areas, such as: underarms, bikini, cheeks, chest, etc.

How long does a bleame crystal hair eraser last? ›

Meet Bleame Crystal Hair Eraser – the easiest, painless hair removal for a smooth skin instantly! Simply rub it to your skin in circular motion for a hair-free body! No refills or recharges required and it is reusable up to 1 year.

How does the hair eraser remove hair? ›

【Eco-Friendly and Reusable】Using Nano-Crystalline technology, Crystal Hair Eraser allows the hairs to clump and break from the surface when rubbed gently on the skin.

Do you use water with crystal hair eraser? ›

If your skin feels uncomfortable, try mixing it with water or cream to reduce skin irritation. Convenient Cleaning & Reusable - Crystal Hair remover is easy to clean, you just need to rinse it with water after each use.

How do you remove hair with crystal hair remover? ›

How to use the crystal hair eraser? Moisten the area where you are going to remove hair, move the crystal hair eraser in a circular motion, and apply lotion after hair removal.

How to painlessly remove pubic hair? ›

Shaving is the quick and easy option for pubic hair removal, and it should be painless. To avoid irritation, itchiness and soreness, run through these tips: Soak yourself in a hot bath or take a hot shower before shaving to soften the hairs.

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