Top 5 AIP Breakfast Recipes | Tried & True AIP Meals (2024)

Welcome to Flawed yet Functional! I am a Type 1 Diabetic managing my blood sugar levels through diet, exercise, and habits WITHOUT insulin (Update: As of December 2018, I’m back on a low dose of long-acting insulin, but I was insulin-free for 19 months!). Sound amazing? Read more here. I hope to inspire you to do amazing things with your health too. The AIP diet can be intimidating, especially for breakfast. Try these Top 5 AIP Breakfast Recipes to give your day a healthy start!

I am approaching 150 days on the Autoimmune Protocol. I have only made it this far by discovering truly delicious food that both my family and I love to eat. This week I’d like to do a mini-series on my top 5 Autoimmune Protocol breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. If you’d like to give this diet a try but don’t know where to start, try these 5 recipes first! They are tried and true for my family!

I began the Autoimmune Protocol in February of 2017 with the full knowledge that breakfast would be the hardest meal of the day. No eggs. No grains. That basically summed up my breakfasts prior to my diabetes diagnosis! We had oatmeal or eggs every single day. I loved oatmeal because it was hearty and quick. Quick breakfasts were out the window for a while, a fact I had to come to grips with very quickly.

While this all-important meal of the day did intimidate me at first, I stuck to the AIP diet and found my rhythm. Breakfast IS possible without sweets, grains, and eggs. I know you might not believe me, but it’s true! These are recipes I’ve made over and over again with great success for my family and me.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Kale Chips, and Sausage Patties

I developed this recipe in a hurry one morning, and it quickly became a go-to. The juxtaposition of textures is perfection: crunchy kale and soft sweet potatoes both filled with a roasty flavor. I make our own breakfast sausage, and my current favorite recipe is sage heavy. I love sage. Most breakfasts are just these two dishes, but if I have avocados, I eat half of one to get more fat in my diet. This breakfast is a winner!

Sausage and Mushroom Hash

Hash is a regular at our table. I make it all kinds of ways, but the mushroom and roasted butternut squash in this one is killer. This is a complete meal all on its own: meat, vegetables, fat, and aromatics. I don’t usually add anything else to the plate, just the hash.

Cooking Tip: Chop all the vegetables the night before. Put them in separate containers in the fridge overnight. It makes putting this vegetable-heavy meal a breeze the next day!

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Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Roasted Broccoli, Ham Steak, and Fresh Berries

Don’t overthink an Autoimmune Protocol breakfast! Roast two vegetables: one light on carbs and one heavier then add meat and fruit. Done! Roasting sweet potatoes with olive oil, salt, and pepper is easy and delicious. I usually toss some garlic powder on the broccoli, but it is just as delicious with only olive oil, salt, and pepper. The ham I sliced then briefly warmed in a skillet on the stove (Very briefly! It dries out quickly!). Fresh berries are a bonus if you have some in season. Nothing crazy here, just good, nutritious food.

Chicken Apple Sweet Potato Skillet

Truth: this one is prep-heavy. It isn’t in our regular rotation because of the amount of chopping involved. HOWEVER, it rocks. It’s so good with a great variety of vegetables in it. I recommend making it on the weekend or morning you aren’t pressed for time. It’s delicious!

Cooking Tip: Just like the mushroom butternut squash hash above, chop the ingredients the night before. Storing everything pre-chopped in the fridge makes cooking o much faster and easier the next day!

Pumpkin Spice Coconut Breakfast Porridge

So remember I loved oatmeal, right? I have spent far too much time on Pinterest looking for oatmeal alternatives. I’ve made several kinds and not all were winners with the family. This one was though! However, it’s higher in carbs. I reduced the amount of banana, and if you are a diabetic, I recommend you do the same. Delicious though and fills the void of a warm bowl of mush in the morning. 🙂

Top 5 AIP Breakfast Recipes | Tried & True AIP Meals (6)


The Next Step

You’ve conquered breakfast without eggs and grains with these top 5 AIP breakfast recipes, but what about the rest of the day? If you want to have the biggest impact on your health, you need to eat nutritious meals all day, every day. This means planning healthy meals for each meal of the day in a way that won’t overwhelm you. If you are new to AIP or Paleo, check out the Weekly Meal Plan Guide for guidance in planning nourishing meals day in and day out, for life!

The Weekly Meal Plan Guide is a 22-page workbook that walks you through the meal planning process step by step. As you work through your week-long menu plan, a sample menu plan is created alongside yours. When you finish the workbook, you’ll have 2 complete menu plans with grocery lists!

What’s even better is this workbook is filled with reusable worksheets so that you can repeat this menu planning process over and over! Grab your copy today!

Honestly, once you take the dive to improve your diet, you will find so much good-flavored and good-for-you food. You will not be missing your old breakfast! Well, you might miss the ease of them, but that will be made up for in how good you feel after eating these recipes! That wraps up my top 5 AIP breakfast recipes. Enjoy!

Have you tried any AIP recipes? Do you have any favorites to share? What are your go-to breakfasts?

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Check out the rest of this mini-series!

Top 5 AIP Breakfast Recipes | Tried & True AIP Meals (7)

Top 5 AIP Breakfast Recipes | Tried & True AIP Meals (8)

Top 5 AIP Breakfast Recipes | Tried & True AIP Meals (9)

Top 5 AIP Breakfast Recipes | Tried & True AIP Meals (2024)


Is oatmeal OK on AIP? ›

The AIP diet does not allow you to eat: All grains (including oats, wheat, and rice)

Can I eat carrots on AIP diet? ›

Leafy green vegetables (spinach, endive, herbs, etc.) Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc.) Root vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc.) Fruit: berries, citrus fruit, apples, cherries, etc.

What is an AIP meal? ›

The AIP diet aims to help manage inflammation through an elimination diet. It involves removing foods from the diet, then replacing them gradually while assessing your body's reaction. During the elimination phase, you may consume moderate amounts of fresh fruit, bone broth, minimally processed meat, and other items.

Is peanut butter OK for AIP? ›

The foods to avoid on the AIP diet include the following: Dairy products (including milk, cream, butter, yogurt, and cheese) Legumes (including beans, soybeans, peanuts, and lentils)

Are bananas OK on AIP? ›

Examples of foods you can eat while on the AIP diet include: Vegetables that aren't nightshade vegetables like cucumbers, spinach, sweet potatoes and zucchini. Fresh fruits like apples, oranges, mangos, strawberries, bananas and blueberries.

What are high protein AIP foods? ›

Lean ground proteins including turkey, chicken, and beef. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon and trout. Other fish you can buy include cod, haddock, tilapia, and tuna. Seafood, including shrimp and scallops.

Are pickles allowed on AIP? ›

If you're using store-bought pickles, check the ingredients list on the jar to make sure there is no refined sugar, nightshade peppers, or artificial coloring added to the pickle brine. You can choose to make your own homemade pickles for this recipe to make sure that your fried pickles are AIP-friendly.

Is avocado good for AIP diet? ›

Avocados are an incredibly nutritious and delicious choice for your AIP diet. They're full of good fat, fiber, vitamin E, copper, and potassium. Furthermore, they are beneficial for your immune system because they are so high in B vitamins.

How long should you stay on AIP diet? ›

People usually stay on an elimination diet for only about 4 to 8 weeks. Following the AIP diet could be risky for your health, so you need to get your doctor's OK before you try it. If they give you the green light, they have to structure the diet for you and supervise you while you're on it.

How do I eat enough calories on AIP? ›

Eat three meals a day. Make sure each meal (even breakfast) includes a protein, healthy fat, and carbs in the form of veggies. Including a protein and a healthy fat at each meal helps to balance energy levels.

How long should the AIP diet last? ›

Most health professionals recommend a 60- to 90-day maintenance phase following the initial 30-day elimination period. Although it is the most straightforward, maintenance can be the toughest phase. It requires planning, carefully choosing the foods you eat, and a little extra willpower.

What kind of oatmeal is anti inflammatory? ›

Steel-cut oats are an excellent soluble fiber to add to the diet that also acts as a prebiotic food. These oats are beneficial to promote anti-inflammatory integrity in the intestinal bacteria. Steel-cut oats are less processed than old fashion rolled oats and have a lower Glycemix Index.

Can I have Oatmilk on AIP? ›

AIP compliant dairy alternatives

Coconut milk is the best non-dairy milk alternative. It is AIP-friendly. Oat, hemp seed, almond, flaxseed, and cashew milks are not AIP-compliant because they come from nuts and seeds.

Can you have grains on AIP diet? ›

It aims to support the immune system, hormone regulation, and gut healing by eliminating common allergens and potentially inflammatory foods like grains, dairy, legumes, processed foods and refined sugar, like the Paleo diet.

Is oatmeal good for inflammatory bowel disease? ›

This means decreased inflammation, more formed and regular bowel movements. Because we recognize the importance of soluble fiber, we allow steel-cut and rolled oats on the diet (SCD does not allow grains of any kind).

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