How To Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for a Product (2024) - Shopify (2024)

Entrepreneurs can find themselves hitting a brick wall when it comes to sourcing products. Whether you plan to manufacture something of your own or find suppliers to purchase from wholesale, good products aren’t always easy to identify.

Sourcing a supplier for your next project includes finding a manufacturer, deciding whether it’s better to work with manufacturers near you or abroad, and evaluating if a manufacturer is legitimate. It’s also essential to ask suppliers certain questions when developing a product for your ecommerce business.

What is a manufacturer?

A manufacturer is any business that produces finished goods from raw materials. They sell these goods to consumers, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and other manufacturers wanting to create more complex items.

Manufacturers typically stick to one type of product. For example, you could work with a glassware manufacturer who creates glass bottles and jars. You could work with one manufacturer for cardboard boxes and another for plastic or natural products.

Retailers often work with multiple manufacturers at once to create an inventory for their store.

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Is a manufacturer a supplier?

Suppliers refer to anyone who can provide you with products and inventory. This encompasses manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors.

There are a ton of helpful resources online that you can find through Google. But before you begin, there are a few things you need to know and decide.

You should figure out what type of supplier you’re looking for, which could depend on yourecommerce business model. This will help determine the terminology you need to use in your research. There are several supplier options, the most common being:

  • A manufacturer that produces your product idea
  • A supplier (who may also be a manufacturer), wholesaler, or distributor who purchases already-existing brands and products
  • A dropshipping company that supplies products and fulfills orders of already-existing brands and products

Dropshipping with Shopify Collective

Connect with US-based Shopify brands to easily sell their products. With Shopify Collective, you can curate items from like-minded stores and ship them directly to your customers.

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Domestic vs. overseas suppliers

If you plan to manufacture or wholesale, when looking for suppliers you’ll need to decide whether you want to source domestically or from abroad.

It’s a good idea to secure two manufacturers: one domestic and one foreign. Your local manufacturer can be used as a backup. If international orders are late or incorrect, you can fall back on your local supplier. Domestic suppliers are often more expensive, but it’s better to keep products stocked and customers happy instead of waiting for delayed shipments.

It’s often cheaper to source your products overseas, especially in Asian countries, like India, China, and Vietnam, which ranked as the three countries with the cheapest manufacturing costs, according to U.S. News & World Report.

How to find a manufacturer in 6 steps

Manufacturers can make your product ideas a reality. Follow these six steps to find the best manufacturers and suppliers for your business.

  1. Research your options
  2. Outreach and collect information
  3. Communicate your designs
  4. Order samples and compare
  5. Negotiate
  6. Place your order

1. Research your options

Finding the right manufacturer for your product is crucial to your success. Manufacturers can play a role in determining your product’s cost, quality, packaging, and shipping. You can use tools to help you find suppliers:


To find manufacturers near you, do a Google search for “manufacturers near me.” Check out their websites, customer reviews, and product specialties.

How To Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for a Product (2024) - Shopify (1)

Many suppliers’ websites are old, sparse on information, and have poor search engine optimization. This means you may have to use a variety of search terms to find what you’re looking for. For example, words such as “wholesale,” “supplier,” and “distributor” may be used interchangeably, so you should search for all of them.

Make yourself familiar with Google's advanced search features to improve the quality of your results.

How To Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for a Product (2024) - Shopify (2)


Some of the best leads can come from referrals. Ask your professional networks if they have supplier recommendations or if they know someone who might. Look for individuals who’ve found success in an area you’d like to pursue and see if they’re willing to share their contacts. Join Facebook groups and other online ecommerce communities to see if there are helpful reviews.

Even if a supplier isn’t the right fit for you, ask them if they can point you in the right direction. Being in the industry means they’ll likely have contacts to refer you to that could be better fits.

NAICS codes

Another way to look for product suppliers is searching for your products by their code in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

The NAICS classifies manufacturers and products with codes, making some manufacturers and suppliers easier to find, especially in professional directories. Heres the link for the United States’ NAICS code and the link for Canada’s NAICS code.

You’ll need to vet your potential manufacturer. Once you’ve narrowed it down to a few possibilities, continue your research to make sure they’re credible. Check the Better Business Bureau (BBB) to see if there have been any complaints filed and browse the manufacturer’s customer reviews.


Alibaba connects you with manufacturers from China. It’s a popular marketplace to find existing products, but you can also use Alibaba to connect with manufacturers to create custom products. Search for the products you’re looking for and browse through the various suppliers and manufacturers.

How To Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for a Product (2024) - Shopify (3)

It’s easy to safely buy from Alibaba. The marketplace lets you vet manufacturers upfront to get the best products at a fair price. When researching manufacturers on Alibaba, make sure they have the following qualifications:

  • Gold supplier, which means they pay for their Alibaba membership.
  • Verified, which means a third-party evaluation services company or Alibaba has visited their manufacturing facility.
  • Trade assurance, a free service that protects your orders from payment to delivery.

      You can continue to search by applying filters. You can sort by certifications (such as SA8000, which ensures humane working conditions) to find a manufacturer that aligns with your business values.

      You can also make sure your manufacturer is not a trading company.A trading company is a liaison and won’t be able to produce your products.


      Another place to research manufacturers is in an online supplier directory. These directories act as manufacturer catalogs that contain profiles for thousands of manufacturers, wholesalers, and suppliers. A few of the most popular ones for domestic and international suppliers are:

      Online domestic directories
      Online overseas directories

      2. Conduct outreach and collect information

      Once you’ve got a few manufacturers on your radar, you’ll want to get quotes. Aim to get a minimum of three quotes to compare options. For local manufacturers, you can also reach out to organize a tour of their facility or a visit to their office.

      In addition to pricing information, you’ll want answers to the following questions:

      • Can they accommodate custom orders? Assess if the supplier or equipment manufacturer can create the product you want. Do they have the skills and resources? Do they have automation features?
      • What are their lead times? How long will it take to produce and ship items? You don’t want to work with manufacturers who take three months to deliver your products. If a product goes out of stock, you don’t want to leave customers waiting to receive their orders.
      • What are shipping costs? Shipping makes up a massive portion of small business expenses. Learn a manufacturer’s shipping costs to determine how it’ll affect your bottom line.
      • What are their minimum order quantities (MOQs)? Don’t lead with this question, because it might deter manufacturers from working with you. However, you’ll want to know the minimum amount of items you have to order before they start producing your product. This is often negotiable.
      • What is the cost per unit? While you’re negotiating MOQs, you’ll also want to negotiate cost per unit. The larger the order, the lower your cost per unit can be.
      • Can they grant you exclusivity? If there’s tooling involved (i.e., you buying a tool for them to manufacture your product), make sure they aren’t allowing others to use it. You can also ask for territorial, market, or total exclusivity. Some service providers may even offer private label goods.
      • Are there setup fees involved? Sometimes manufacturers will charge a fee to get equipment ready to produce your goods.
      • What’s their defect policy? Find out who eats the cost for incorrect or defective items. Who pays for the shipping and duties?
      • Is the manufacturer sustainable and ethical? Find out about the factory conditions, and see how they impact the environment and those who work there.

      Negotiating minimum order quantities

      If you’re looking for a supplier for the first time, you’re going to quickly learn about MOQs. It’s not uncommon for a manufacturer to require a commitment to purchase hundreds or even thousands of units for your first order, depending on the product and manufacturer.

      MOQs make it difficult when you have limited funds or want to start small and test the market before making larger purchases. MOQs are almost always negotiable.

      Before you negotiate, understand why the supplier has imposed a minimum. Is it because there’s a lot of work upfront? Is it because they prefer to work with larger buyers? Understanding the reasons for the minimum will help you better understand their position and allow you to negotiate and propose the best counter offer.

      Discussing payment terms

      Many suppliers will require new businesses to pay for a full order upfront. This is important to know, since inventory is a major cost for ecommerce businesses. You should also ask if they provide payment terms on future orders.

      Suppliers get bombarded with email quote requests all the time from flaky buyers, so it’s not unusual for suppliers to ignore your request. Suppliers’ lack of responsiveness is a common complaint from new ecommerce entrepreneurs.

      So how do you ensure you’re not ignored? There are a few things you should do when you reach out to suppliers for the first time:

      • Focusedemails. Your first email to a manufacturer should be clear and concise. Avoid telling too much about your story and background. The first email should purely assess potential fit at a high level. Focus on what suppliers care about the most, like the details of what you’re trying to source.
      • Asking for what you need. Requests aren’t always easy for the supplier to satisfy. It’s important to ask about pricing for multiple quantities, but avoid asking for too much or too many quotes. Stick to what you absolutely need to know to assess fit between you and the supplier.
      • Prepare. If you’re unsure about your request, consider giving the supplier a call or send a one-question email. For example, you might want to know the supplier’s minimum order because if you ask for a quote that’s well below their minimum order, you might not receive a response.

      Many good manufacturing suppliers will be open to negotiating payment terms. One payment strategy you could propose would be to pay for 50% upfront and 50% after you receive the shipment. This holds both parties responsible for the order and doesn’t leave too much risk on either side.

      Communicating with manufacturers and suppliers

      Chances are you won’t use a manufacturing manager when starting your online business. You’ll have to communicate with suppliers on your own. You can do this via phone, email, or text. When working with local manufacturers, you can also do in-person meetings.

      Look for companies that are responsive and eager to work with you. If someone is slow to respond to emails and send samples, you may not want to trust them with your business.

      3. Communicate your designs

      Once you talk with a potential manufacturer, ask if they can create your design. Some manufacturers have a product development process with prototyping and 3D modeling—but it can get expensive.

      As an alternative, communicate your ideas with them through:

      • Sketches
      • Instructions
      • Reference photos

      If they don’t do design, you can use Fiverr or Upwork to find freelancers to create drawings for you. Look to hire:

      • Indstrustial designers
      • Product designers
      • Computer-aided design (CAD) experts

      Another option is finding a local designer. You can work with them to develop prototypes and custom molds. It could be more affordable than going through a manufacturer.

      4. Order samplesand compare

      Get samples to test before going into production. Once the sample is to your standard, you should date and sign the sample. Save one or two for yourself. These are called your control samples: forensic samples used to assure quality and get consistent consumer products.

      For example, you open a package from a manufacturer and find your products’ colors are completely wrong. You can reference the control sample to indicate the products you received are not what was previously agreed upon.

      5. Negotiate

      Between the time you get a sample and when you place your order, it’s still possible to negotiate terms on payment or MOQ. When negotiating, put yourself in the manufacturer’s shoes. The goal isn’t to exploit your manufacturing partner to get the best price. It’s to work together so both parties profit and are happy. It’s the only way to build a long-term, healthy relationship.

      6. Place your order

      After completing a quality control check to make sure every product meets your standards, you can place your order and get the production process started.

      Moving forward with your supply partners

      Sourcing suppliers and manufacturers is one of the costs of starting a business. Partnering with suppliers that are good fits is a critical decision for your new business, and they aren’t always easy to find.

      It’s easy to get frustrated when you hit dead ends or brick walls, but in most cases, it just requires a little more patience and perseverance to find the perfect partner for your new venture.

      Illustration by Pete Ryan

      Read more

      • How To Source Products To Sell Online
      • The Ultimate Guide To Dropshipping (2024)
      • How to Start a Dropshipping Business- A Complete Playbook for 2024
      • How to Start an Online Boutique- A Complete Playbook
      • How To Find Private Label Products and Start Selling
      • How to Find the Right Wholesale Supplier for Your Business
      • How to Build Your Own Brand From Scratch in 7 Steps
      • What is Shopify and How Does it Work?
      • How to Write a Bakery Business Plan- Your Recipe for Success
      • How One Couple Raised Over 500% of Their Crowdfunding Goal on Kickstarter in 28 Days Without an Audience

      How to find a manufacturer FAQ

      What does manufacturing mean?

      Manufacturing refers to turning raw materials into finished products through tools, labor, and machinery. It’s an industrial process that allows for the mass production of goods using advanced technologies and assembly processes.

      What are the types of manufacturing?

      Types of manufacturing include:

      • 3D printing
      • Repetitive manufacturing
      • Discrete manufacturing
      • Job shop manufacturing
      • Continuous process
      • Batch process

      What is an example of manufacturing?

      The clothing industry has many different manufacturing processes. For example, a clothing manufacturer’s process could include fabrics receiving and relaxing, form layout, laying, marketing, cutting, screen printing, sewing, and quality checks before creating a single garment.

      How do I find a manufacturer?

      You can find a manufacturer via the directories and suppliers listed above. Some of the most common places to find manufacturers include:

      • Alibaba
      • Free online directories
      • Google
      • Referrals
      • NAICS codes
      How To Find a Manufacturer or Supplier for a Product (2024) - Shopify (2024)


      How do I find a manufacturer for a specific product? ›

      Manufacturer directories are another valuable resource for finding potential manufacturers. These directories list manufacturers by industry and location, making it easy to find companies that specialize in your product type. Examples of popular directories include ThomasNet,, and Kompass.

      How to find a vendor on Shopify? ›

      1. From your Shopify admin, click Settings > Apps and sales channels.
      2. From the Apps and sales channels page, click Collective (Retailer).
      3. Click Open app.
      4. From the Collective (Retailer) app, click Discover.
      5. Click a product that you want to view.

      How can I find where a product is manufactured? ›

      The site has a database of more than 80,000 products and information on where they're manufactured. Products are divided into categories, companies and countries of origin, and there's also a search option.

      How do I find a supplier for an item? ›

      How do I find suppliers?
      1. Trade directories. Looking through business-to-business trade directories is an obvious way to find suppliers. ...
      2. Trade shows and exhibitions. Trade shows and exhibitions offer opportunities to identify suppliers. ...
      3. Social networks. ...
      4. Trade association. ...
      5. Recommendations. ...
      6. Utilities.

      How do I find the manufacturer code for a product? ›

      Find the manufacturer code. Look near the expiration date or at the top of the package. Most codes are imprinted at the time of product manufacture, so look for an embossed or ink-jet series of letters and numbers.

      How do I find my manufacturer? ›

      There are plenty of sources to use in your search, including: Online supplier directories: These information hubs list thousands of manufacturers, which are often vetted and reviewed for legitimacy. Some directories focus solely on domestic manufacturing, like Maker's Row and ThomasNet.

      How much does it cost to manufacture a product? ›

      Production costs can include a variety of expenses, such as labor, raw materials, consumable manufacturing supplies, and general overhead. Total product costs can be determined by adding together the total direct materials and labor costs as well as the total manufacturing overhead costs.

      How to find out who manufactures a product on Amazon? ›

      Search using Amazon's ASIN to identify the exact supplier of any product on Amazon in seconds, saving you from sifting through thousands of suppliers.

      How do I find a dropshipping product and supplier? ›

      A great way to start your search for a dropship supplier is through a directory. Directories are websites that compile a list of dropship suppliers for you to navigate through. You still have to go through the process of contacting suppliers and become an approved reseller.

      How do I find new product suppliers? ›

      Follow these six steps to find the best manufacturers and suppliers for your business.
      1. Research your options.
      2. Outreach and collect information.
      3. Communicate your designs.
      4. Order samples and compare.
      5. Negotiate.
      6. Place your order.

      How do people find suppliers? ›

      Going to trade shows, asking for referrals, and joining professional networks are also some ways to connect with suppliers. When selecting a supplier, it's important to verify product authenticity, consider cost, and have a plan for managing logistics.

      How do you identify the market for a particular product? ›

      How to identify your target market
      1. Define your offer. The first step to identifying your target market is defining your offer, or what it is that makes your products or services desirable. ...
      2. Track data. ...
      3. Define your ideal audience. ...
      4. Profile your ideal client. ...
      5. Conduct interviews. ...
      6. Research your competition's targets.
      Feb 3, 2023

      How do I find a food manufacturer for my product? ›

      How to go about finding a manufacturer
      1. Create a shortlist based on your requirements: We use our experience and network of contacts to identify a shortlist of manufacturers who can deliver to your requirements.
      2. Review and explain the shortlist with you: We present you with options and explain what they are and why.

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      Author: Aracelis Kilback

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      Author information

      Name: Aracelis Kilback

      Birthday: 1994-11-22

      Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

      Phone: +5992291857476

      Job: Legal Officer

      Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

      Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.